Desert Interface - 2023

multi media installation

California City desert, Non plus Ultra LA, Human Resources LA

painted car, projected animation, sound, CNC carved aluminum figure and license plate frame

Interfaces are tools/prostheses to communicate with coded structures and to access information, and resources, that lie beyond our perceptive, physiological, and socio-economic limitations, creating a bridge between the physical and digital realms and connecting us with and within the world around us.

Objects can serve as interfaces that are foregrounding relations and implying specific narratives. Ironically the car is the main prosthesis for humans to access and interact with landscape and nature. It is an interface that helps us overcome limitations of time and space and makes places of infinite potential accessible to us. Large areas of hostile environments become explorable and surmountable; while at the same time, the tools that grant us access to these places continue to make them more and more hostile.

The project aims to create a hybrid multimedia experience that offers interdimensional communication with the landscape of the Mojave desert, through objects and media as interfaces and prostheses. Searching for permeability and fluidity in interaction with places of infinite potential it derives from an urge for multidimensional layering of spaces through aesthetic narrative and digital metaphors.

My installation invites viewers to enter the vehicle and experience a 3D point cloud animation of a mountain range projected to the ceiling of the car. Mass is simulated only through its fragmented surface to highlight permeability and make it perceivable as space that can be entered, transited and interacted with. The back is laid out with acoustic pyramid foam and an industrial soundtrack is playing loudly from a speaker inside the car. It is an experience between comfort and discomfort, around the topics of the intertwinement of nature and technology; scale and permeability of landscapes and private spaces, like the car is.